Australia to ban disposable vapes from 2024

Australia to ban disposable vapes from 2024

Australia plans to ban the import and sale of all disposable vapes starting January 2024, as well as restrict non-nicotine and substandard vaping products that fall below forthcoming safety standards. The federal government announced these measures after consultations aiming to strike a balance between quit access and youth use.

According to regulators, vapes expose users to harmful chemicals and act as smoking gateways for teens attracted to flavours and discreet one-time models. One in five Australian 15-17-year-olds has tried vaping amidst surging popularity. But restricting adult access could have other public health consequences given vaping’s demonstrated smoking-cessation potential.

While lawmakers cite similar wholesale disposable bans abroad, comparable nations regulate vape access for informed adult smokers under safety guidelines. Specialty vape shops meeting strict standards serve 3.6 million UK adults while still effectively restricting youth access.

Australia’s uncompromising stance establishes a prohibitive environment that risks amplifying black market suppliers of untested products. The lessons from past prohibitions show blanket bans tend to backfire.

no more vapes down under

Safer Alternatives

Rather than depriving adult smokers of demonstrably safer alternatives, evidence supports balancing vaping safety measures alongside overall public health interests. Introducing oversight on manufacturing, plain packaging, usage limits and youth education while allowing regulated retail access can minimise youth appeal. Even applying taxation discourages new users while funding enforcement.

Unfortunately, sweeping bans classify informed adults as lawbreaking criminals for choosing reduced harm alternatives aligned with their lifestyle.

Policymakers should encourage current ex-smoking vapers to transition to legal products through pragmatic regulation — upholding Australia’s democratic values of fairness and responsible government.

Lawmakers must fully weigh total community impacts to land on an equitable way forward. With some sensible fine-tuning, smart safety regulation provides a path respecting both adult choice and youth protections. But reactionary prohibitions on popular pod-based devices could derail tobacco harm reduction efforts, leaving many scrambling. There’s still time to get the policy mix right without overreach.


Picture of Jim Lawson
Jim Lawson
I’m Jim Lawson, the Chief Editor at OzVapour. After smoking since my late teens, I found vaping in 2012 and have been smoke-free since. As a tech geek, I love trying new vaping setups & innovations. When not testing vape products, I enjoy the EPL or hiking in a national park.